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Halco - Wind-On Leader

Halco - Wind-On Leader

60lb (4.54m)80lb (4.54m)100lb (7.57m)200lb (7.57m)300lb (7.57m)400lb (7.57m)

Halco – Wind-On Leader 

Halco’s Wind-On Leader is made from some of the finest components available to maximize durability. Using Guides Choice Spectra and quality Japanese monofilament leader material, Halco has produced a simple leader that you can trust when the pressure’s on.

Available in two lengths, 15ft (4.54m) and 25ft (7.57m) long, this leader is wound on and has multiple strength options to choose from, making it ideal for targeting species such as Snapper, Jewfish, and reef species. The high-quality materials are used to ensure the Halco Wind-On Leader passes through your rod smoothly when casting and retrieving your line, as well as being a durable abrasion-resistant product ideal for shore fishing and reef fishing.


 Available in two lengths, 15ft (4.54m) and 25ft (7.57m)

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